Haris Kotsoglou ▪ Polyomino

Visual Communication & Design Systems

Musafir logo over a three color background

A collectively created Archive of Feelings

Musafir workshop will invite women, queers, immigrants and refugees to share and collectively create narratives, fragments, parts, images, smells, objects, photographs, paintings, songs - an archive of feelings.

Musafir light blue poster variation
Musafir light purple poster variation
Musafir light orange poster variation

The workshop’s goal is to find ways for building collective and community memory, combinding artistic practice with tools and methodologies from feminist and anti-colonial studies and literature.

Using rhythm, dancing and singing, movement, breathing and theater exercises, the workshop explores memory as an overlap of personal experience and cultural or collective memory, focusing especially on the crossing of any kind of borders.

The crossing of borders is visualised in an abstract way by curves/arrows creating the letter M (from Musafir), hinting on how migratory routes (of birds as well as people) are depicted on world maps. Different interpretations include the mapping of journeys and variety of directions taken by individuals crossing any kind of border, whether actual or symbolic.


Musafir three-color poster variation
Musafir social media post
Musafir social media post
Musafir social media post
Musafir logo over a three-color background

Visual Identity
Commissioned by: Musafir team 
Published: 2024